Mt. Sanford Tribal Consortium (Kelt’aeni) is a tribal consortium of the federally recognized Tribal Council of Chistochina. The consortium was established on June 26, 1992 to advance and protect common interests of the descendants of the Upper Ahtna indigenous people.
We are the Taa’tl’aa Denaé (Headwater People). Our culture is rooted in thousands of years of tradition, family, and cooperation. Our lives are lived according to unwritten Indian laws and values learned as children.
Chistochina is located on the Tok Cutoff of the Glenn Highway, 42 miles northeast of Glennallen, the closest town with amenities. The village is surrounded by Sinona Creek, Boulder Creek, Chistochina River, and Copper River.
Mt. Sanford Tribal Consortium Health Services provides acute and chronic care services within the clinics through a committed staff of Community Health Aides and a Nurse Practitioner.
Mt. Sanford Tribal Consortium’s MSTC Ahtna Language Series is the first new, classroom-based language material published for study of the Ahtna language since 1975.